What Your Oil Can Tell You

We all know that oil is one of the most important fluids in your vehicle. It lubricates your engine, cleans away carbon buildup, and helps manage heat. But you may not know that you can “read” your oil. It can tell you many things about the health of your engine, as well as when to change your oil.
Honey-Colored Oil
Brand-new, oil is thick and clear. It has the color of honey and signals both fresh oil and a clean engine. If it’s been a few hundred miles since your last oil change it may still be this color, or somewhat darker, congratulations. You have a very healthy engine. It is important that it remains clear, but over time it will darken.
Dark Brown Oil
As oil is circulated through your engine it will become darker. Picking up carbon deposits and darkening through heat cycles is normal, but will slowly reduce an oil’s ability to lubricate and clean as intended. When your oil becomes very dark brown, it’s time to change it. Many drivers will allow their oil to go beyond its limits, potentially causing damage to your engine. While you should listen to recommendations for when to change your oil, it’s also important to inspect it often. Your oil could become dirty prematurely. If it does, simply change both your oil and your oil filter as soon as possible.
Gritty Oil
Some grit in your oil may be normal, from carbon deposits and other debris found inside your engine. However, if it is very gritty, you should have it inspected by one of our technicians. If metal, rubber, plastic, or any other types of material are found in your oil, it could be very detrimental to your engine’s health.
Cloudy or Milky Oil
If you check your oil and find it cloudy, or milky, it’s best to bring it in right away. This could be the sign of a blown head gasket. When coolant mixes with oil it becomes cloudy or milky in appearance. You'll likely notice other symptoms like overheating and smoke coming from the exhaust first, but if you notice that your oil is contaminated, it's best to have a professional diagnose the problem quickly.
Can’t remember when you last checked your oil? Schedule an appointment today to have the skilled technicians here at Audi Silver Spring take a look at it, and make sure it’s still protecting your engine as intended.